Library management system
Accessioning & Cataloguing
Automates library tasks such as book requisition, procurement, invoicing, stock verification, accessioning, binding, etc. using the
library module. Withdrawal, write-off, and indexing, of books, can also be done using the library module.
Print BT cards, ID cards, or smart cards in bulk using the system. Manage document circulation easily with the automated library ERP,
with other activities like fine management, book bank, clearance notices, etc.
Uses web-based OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) searches to find information about books and documents. Simple details like title,
publisher, subject, and author are used for searching any book or document..
MIS Reports
Generate various kinds of reports such as accession register, barcode, QR code & spine labels, circulation register, biner orders, etc.
with the library management software. The system manages monthly bills for publications like newspapers and journals as well as anticipated
arrivals and budget analyses.